Transportation Guide
Riding a Train
This is an explanation for riding normal (local) trains.
1. Purchase a ticket from the ticket machine or at the counter (in-person). IC cards may not be used.
If you board the train at Nakahagi Station or Takihama Station, purchase a ticket upon boarding.
A conductor will walk about the train car after you board; notify the conductor to purchase a ticket.
2. Pass your ticket to the station staff at the ticket gate, who will stamp your ticket and return it to you.
In the case of unmanned train stations, proceed directly to the platform.
3. Check the signs above the ticket gate for the correct platform number and wait for the train at its designated platform.
In the case of unmanned stations, platform numbers are indicated alongside the timetable in the station.
4. Once the train arrives, board the train.
If the doors do not open automatically, press the door button near the doors.
If you did not purchase a ticket beforehand, purchase one from a conductor walking about the train car.
5. Disembark at your desired station.
Hand the station staff your ticket at the ticket gate. In the case of unmanned stations, hand your ticket to the conductor standing outside the train.
Riding Conductorless Trains
1. In the case of conductorless trains, press the door button at the back of the train to board. The doors at the front of the train are exit-only.

2. A numbered boarding ticket will be dispensed from the ticket machine upon boarding.